Best Tourism Village Competition
The Best Tourism Villages Competition seeks to honor a village that best exemplifies a rural tourism destination. It showcase the renowned cultural and natural assets, preserves and promotes community-based values, goods, and lifestyles of the villages in India. It promotes the commitment of the villages towards sustainability in all of its aspects – economic, social, and environmental. Its goal is to make tourism one of the drivers of positive change, rural development, and community well-being.
Objectives of the Competition
Reduce disparities between development of rural tourism destinations.
Progress in empowering the rural population.
Enhance attraction capability and encourage rural change.
Strengthen multi-level governance, collaborations, and community engagement.
Boost connection, infrastructure, financial access, and investment. Advancement and digitalization.
Develop new products and integrate value chains.
Promote the connection between resilient, equitably distributed, and sustainable food systems and tourism.
Increase the conservation of natural and cultural resources.
Encourage sustainable methods to make better use of resources, reduce emissions, and reduce waste.
Improve knowledge and abilities.
Best tourism village
- Cultural and Natural Resources (SDGs 8, 11, 12, 15)
- Economic Sustainability (SDGs 5,8,9,17)
- Environmental Sustainability (SDGs 7, 12, 13, 15, 17)
- Governance and Prioritization of Tourism (SDGs 9, 17)
- Health, Safety and Security (SDG 3)
- Promotion and Conservation of Cultural Resources (SDGs 8, 11, 12)
- Social Sustainability (SDGs 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 17)
- Tourism Development and Value Chain Integration (SDGs 8, 9, 10, 12)
- Infrastructure and Connectivity (SDGs9,17)
Eligibility Criteria
- Low population density and not exceeding 25,000 inhabitants.
- Located in radius of famous places, Tourist destination or landscape.
- Having Traditional activities including agriculture, craft, cuisine etc.
- Having history of community values or based on past achievements.
- Applications duly filled and submitted online will only be considered for the evaluation.
Process of Evaluation –District Level
- Districts level committee will be constituted for carrying out the district level evaluation.
- District level committee will forward their three best villages for the state level evaluation.
- Districts need to login in the portal to evaluate the form. The login Id’s will be provided by the state.
- The districts will have to follow the marking guidelines for the purpose of evaluation (Annexure 1)
General Guidelines for District Level Evaluation Committee
- It is advised that the district level evaluation committee to have at least two members from district tourism board/district administration.
- State Nodal Officer or the representative of the State Nodal Officer to be the member of the district level evaluation committee.
- The decision of the committee to be undertaken with the quorum of at least three members.
- The decision of the committee submitted on the portal will be taken as final.
- A letter detailing the committee members to be sent be kept in record.
- The last date for the district level evaluation is 19 June 2023.
- The cut-off marks for qualifying to next level for village is 70.
- Maximum of top three villages above the cut-off marks will be forwarded for the next level.
Process of Evaluation – State Level
- State level committee will be constituted for carrying out the State level evaluation.
- State need to login in the portal to evaluate the form. The login Id’s are already shared.
- State level committee will forward their three best villages for the National level evaluation.
General Guidelines for State Level Evaluation Committee
- It is advised that the State level evaluation committee to have at least two members from State Tourism Board, State tourism development corporation etc.
- State Nodal Officer or the representative of the State Nodal Officer to be the member of the State level evaluation committee.
- The decision of the committee to be undertaken with the quorum of at least three members.
- The decision of the committee submitted on the portal will be taken as final.
- A letter detailing the committee members to be sent to to be kept in record.
- The state level evaluation will start after the completion of the district level evaluation.
- The cut-off marks for qualifying to next level for village is 70.
- Maximum of top three villages above the cut-off marks will be forwarded for the next level.
Process of Evaluation – National Level
- National level committee will be constituted for carrying out the National level evaluation.
- After evaluation of all the state level entries the best tourism villages of India will be announced and awarded.